"Karma has no menu. You get served what you deserve."

Our Story

Creating Great
Karmic Reiki Experiences

Karma functions through certain tendencies. But with some awareness and focus, you can push it in the direction that you wish. Sadhguru

Karmic Reiki

Karmic Reiki is a powerful and gentle form of Reiki found by MARTYN PENTECOST which is based on Usui Reiki to heal and cleanse our karma, also many obstacles which come in our way in our life. It also helps to deal with all the pains and sufferings that we face from negative karmas. So, Karmic Reiki Healing helps us in various issues of karma during the process.

What is Karma?

Actually, Karma is a Sanskrit word which means action. Karma can be good or bad, depending upon our actions we have done in our past lives. It affects both our present and future life. The law of Karma states that for every deed that we do, we encounter the effects maybe in the same life or in our next lifetimes. Our karma is based on simple concept, if we do something with good intention we will receive the same and vice versa. So cleansing our karma is the first and the most essential step in the healing.

How Karmic Reiki heals our life?

Karmic Reiki works with our aura and also increases the frequency of energy to work on our karmic issues. It helps to cleanse our karma by increasing our awareness. It also solves all our life problems and heals the karma that comes in our path of growth and happiness. Sometimes it also reduces the impact of negative karma. Any issue can be healed whether it is financial, health related or about relationship, by finding its root cause. Even if the issue is unknown, the impact of it can be reduced through healing. The symbols of karmic reiki work on emotional, mental, physical, spiritual and auric levels.

How can we enter into new Karma again?

Karma is about give and take i.e. what you put in, you get back. We are responsible for our own thoughts, words, feelings and actions. Actually any event that takes place is the result of our own thoughts and actions. When you blame others for all the misfortunes or problems that occurs in one’s life and hurt them to take revenge, this leads in creating more karmas for yourself. This leads to again creating new karma and we cannot develop our ability and also cannot grow spiritually.

How KARMIC REIKI is different from USUI REIKI?

Karmic Reiki is more powerful and works on a higher level than Usui Reiki. Both the Reiki modalities have the same purpose but the path differs. Usui Reiki also heals our karma but it takes time and also the technique is too long, whereas with Karmic Reiki we get faster results and also the technique is more powerful and stronger.

Benefits of Karmic Reiki

  1. You can heal all your problems i.e. financial, health or relationship and the effect can be reduced.

  2. The obstacles which come in our path of success can also be reduced.

  3. All the relationship problems can also be solved easily and smoothly. And also you can experience unconditional love.

  4. You can get success in all aspects such as health, wealth, prosperity and happiness leading a happy and comfort life.

  5. Create your own destiny with the help of divine energies.

  6. Learn forgiveness.

  7. Diseases can be also pulled out from their roots.

Pre Requisite

Reiki level 2 or any healing modality is the pre requisite required for learning Karmic Reiki healing.


Level 1

  • Introduction of karmic Reiki

  • Introduction of Symbols

  • Meaning of karmic objects

  • Healing and scanning others

  • Chi ball attunement

  • Manual

  • Certificate

Master Level

  • How to do Attunement

  • How to make chi ball

  • Attunement Self practice


Distance karmic healing sessions

"Personal & Online Course available"