“Angels shine light into all areas of life... Helping you to see the light within all. ”

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Angel healing

“To find your angels... ..Start trusting your inner voice and intuition” –MelanieBeckler


Angel healing was developed by DOREEN VIRTUE. It is spiritual healing method that involves working with Archangels, Guardian Angels and Angels. Angelic Healing works with the love and healing with angels. The higher energy of the angels work as Cleansing, Clearing and Recharging. It helps us release lower emotions, thought patterns and can also help on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.


Archangels are the CHIEF ANGELS and look after everything of mankind and guardian angels too. They carry GOD’s messages to humans.
Angels are spiritual beings created by GOD to serve us. They are very powerful beings who functions as GOD’s Messengers. ANGELS come to our assistance whenever and wherever we summon them.
Guardian Angel is an angel that is assigned to protect and guide a particular person. The Guardian Angels serve to protect whichever person GOD assigns them to and they present prayets to GOD on that person’s behalf.


Healing with Angel cards:
Angel card reading focuses on delivering the messages of angels to a person through cards.
Healing with Archangels:
Archangels look after humans. Each Archangel has a specialty to a particular element who continually battles against the forces of darkness of that element in a person’s ‘s life.
Healing with Reiki:
Angel Healing can be merged with Reiki Healing. It means distant healing is also done by tuning into the energy system of other person.
Healing with Prayers and Candles:
Different colour candles are used to enhance energy and intention in order to request, create or manifest. Specific candle Colour has meaning, energy and healing properties. Candles are used with Prayers for healing.


ANGEL MEDITATION Angel Meditation means ,the person goes into a meditative state and connects himself/herself with the Angels to ask for healing. Healing Guidance are asked from angels during meditation.


Angel signs and symbols involve Angel numbers, fragrances, birds and many more things. They send messages of wisdom to guide us through warnings or to protect us from danger. Numbers also communicate different messages.


  • Healing is Multi Dimensional. –Angel Healing can be used to heal mental,emotional, physical and even spiritual problems in our life.
  • Feel at peace with your INNER SELF– It helps us energize our whole system hence relieving all the stress and blocked energies. We gain peace, tranquility and calmness in totality.
  • Rid problems troubling us– Everyone of us certainly encounters some psychological problems. Nevertheless Angel healing helps us getting rid of them for e.g. stage fright, anxiety, lack of confidence etc.
  • Magnetize Abundance– You can enhance your wealth and prosperity with Angel healing. Learn to unblock and channelize the right flow of abundance in your life.
  • Business Growth– Your business blocks like fear, frustrations, limited beliefs etc. hamper your energy level towards your business. The healing brings back growth and balance in your business.
  • Helps to regain focus – When the Angels Healing and their light flows through our body, mind and Soul, it clears out the clutter. Energy healing puts chakra in balance. When Chakras are balanced you will begin to feel like you have gained a new perspective on life. And get clarity of life, career path, everything…….
  • Helps to Release Karmic Debts – When you have some bad karmas around you, your energy may get trapped. And these flow of energies may express themselves in a form of irritation, depression, anger or major physical or Mental discomfort……… Angel Healing and Angel Reiki can help to clean these Karmas. The blockages can be removed by a Reiki Master. The Reiki master will channelize the energy of the universe through herself/himself, and into you to cleanse you of the bad karma surrounding you.
  • Angelic Healing Helps You with Creativity, Office work, Advertisement, News, Artistic vision and many more areas. It helps to enhance your creativity level.
  • It also helps to get in touch with a higher spiritual side and enhance it too.


  • Angel Healing
  • Angel Reiki
  • Angel Cards
  • Candle Prayer
  • With Manual and Certificate
Angel Healing for any kind of 
issues such as
  • Physical issues
  • Mental issues
  • Emotional challenges
  • To Improve Relationship
  • To improve Financial challenges

"Personal & Online Course available"