Automatic Writing

“Automatic Writing is the Painting of the Voice.”

Intuition of Automatic Writing

If you love to write, then journaling or automatic writing might be the perfect outlet to access your intuition.

About Automatic Writing

Automatic writing is a clairvoyant psychic ability which can be used to get Divine messages for a living being as well as receive messages from the spirits of the Departed Soul. It is a great, non–scary way of channeling our Higher Self or Spirit Guides through writing. A psychic or medium enters a deep trance like state of consciousness and allows the arm and hand to be controlled by psychic forces outside of the body.

Why Do we do Automatic Writing?

When something is bothering you in life or upset with something or not getting clear path – Divine messages will show you the path.

  • When you have any questions that want a spiritual perspective.
  • When you are scared to contact your guides in any other way.
  • When Departed Soul tries to communicate with living being.
  • When you are not Clairvoyant or Clairaudient automatic writing is helping you to hear your inner voice.

It is safe to do if you have learnt properly or get it done under proper guidelines.


Receive Divine messages through Automatic Writing

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